Thursday, 19 April 2018

More pasta!

Pasta, pasta and more pasta.  I don't even really like pasta - but great carbo loading food apparently.  So pasta for dinner three nights in row and for another two.

Choc ice this afternoon and just about anything else I am offered to eat right now - but bizarrely I really don't feel like eating at all.... what's that all about?

Took my legs out for a gentle run this morning - just a 4.5 miler round Harbourside in the early morning sunshine - beautiful and lovely, and yay great news, my legs still work after a week off.  Chest a bit wheezy - but still another three days to clear up.

And the sun pours down........🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Motivational messages coming in left right and centre

Lovely, lovely messages coming in from all sorts of people.

Here is one from wonderful 86 year old Dad.  His mantra to me all my life has been a continual drumbeat of "just do your best".  Don't worry Dad, I will be doing the best I can on Sunday and will keep your words close to my heart.  I also love that he has learnt to use emojis on e mail (well smiley faces anyway).  πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Here are a few for you Dad πŸ’œ

Hi Jo 
It was good to see you and Mark yesterday; a great effort
for you because I could see you were not quite your usual
cheerful self.

Look after your self this week, glad you are feeling a little better
I'm sure you will be alright by next Sunday.

I want you to know how tremendously proud of you I am, not
only running the marathon itself but for all the training runs
over the last few months, not many 57 year olds could withstand
the programme you set yourself.

Just do your best, I'll be watching out for you although i will have
to be pretty sharp eyed to spot you.

Much love Dad xxx☺

Saturday, 14 April 2018

A day of numbers

Eight sleeps to go ..... and my lurgy is horrible.

So a day of numbers........

Today is the first weekend  in 9 weeks that I have not  got out of bed, eaten porridge and run at least 13 miles!  Was supposed to run 8 - but my body is saying "noooooooo" - rest and try and shake off this lurgy:

07 April - 13.5 miles
31 March - 22.5 miles
24 March - 16.5 miles
17 March - 20 miles
10 March - 18 miles
04 March - 14.6 miles
24 Feb - 16.6 miles
17 Feb - 14.1 miles
10 Feb - 13.2 miles

Total miles run since 01 Jan over 350 

£120 added to the increasing sponsorship totals.  A cheque through the front door from lovely neighbours Kath and Bill, 80 if a day, both of them.  But so encouraging and supportive when they find me puffing and panting outside my gate after a long run.  "When I was young boy..........".

Booked my kitchen sofa in to be reupholstered,  one thing led to another - including marathon talk, and before I knew it - another £50. Never, been into this shop before or met them in my life - but the lovely man was smitten with my story - how very kind 😊

 My dad emailed to say that he has another £20 waiting  for me - from long standing family friends - lush.

A quick count up on all the marathon Virgin Just Giving pages - attributed to Ella and the total is a staggering 24k to date (without Gift Aid, never know if I should count this in or not). OMG - that is crazy and just so flipping generous - thank you every one who has contributed to this amazing total.  I can feel 25K coming on...., in fact, maybe we will make it to £26, 200 - which would be very appropriate.

Spent 30 minutes sorting out my running kit, including ironing  letters onto my TCT marathon T Shirt J and O!!  For the record I now have 4  pairs of running leggings v the 1 pair I started off with a year ago.  Don't start me off on long sleeve tops.

Blew my nose a gazillion times - sore now 😷

20 c - forecast temperature in London Sunday week - I only know how to run with 3 layers on, gloves and a bandanna!

🎢🎢🎢🎢 Are you with me, are you with me......🎢🎢🎢🎢

Numbers (and music) have been good today

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Oh no

Having successfully entered the there week world of tapering after my "Tarka Run", I have been struck down by a horrible lurgy of some description.

It was all going so well, maybe to well...

After my epic 22.5 miles, I ran a couple of times in the week and then knocked out a 13.5 miles the following Saturday, followed by a gentle 4 miles on Tuesday morning earlier this week.   Then on Tuesday - the tickly throat, aching body and all that jazz kicked in.  So no running last night and a day behind closed doors today - honey and lemon (I hate honey), Echinacea pills till I rattle and night/day nurse tablets as often as I am allowed.

Still managing to feel proper sorry for myself and slightly panicky about loosing "my edge" - but reassuring my stupid brain that I have only missed one run, its good for my legs to rest and guess what this might only be a nasty cold so will be better in a few days and there after all 9 days to go!!!

Come on body BEHAVE please

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Me, Tarka, 22.5 miles (and two boys....)

(Two boys - brother Jimbo and MK - apparently "Jo pace" is good for looking after dodgy knees and other injuries.....)

I can’t quite believe that yesterday I ran 22.5 miles in the wind and rain along the beautiful North Devon Tarka Trail. According to my official Virgin London Marathon 17 week training plan – that is my last big run before the main event in 3 weeks time.  Apparently its now time to “taper”!

As ever a mental and physical battle to keep putting one foot in front of the other…… the first 13 miles quite straight forward (and lets not forget this is the seventh weekend in a row that I have run at least a half marathon if not more……), the next 9.5 – a real slog and grit.   BUT – OMG – I did it and its done and I am feeling every so slightly pleased with myself and I have to say hugely relieved.

Surely if I can run 22.5 miles, I can run 26.2 miles on 22 April???  4 to find right?

Given that this wonderful 2018 British Winter just keeps on giving, we ran in rain and wind – but no snow.   Cold and chilly, so totally wrapped up against the elements, three layers, gloves, bandannas and full-length leggings.  God only help us if its suddenly hot or warmer weather on 22 April – my poor body wont know what’s hit it or how to cope.

My mantras as I ran the last five miles were  “Are You With Me, Are You With Me?”, “Come On Ella”, “Come On Sophie” and “OMG – you are going to do this Redman, you’ve GOT IT” ………. You would think I would be saying these inwardly and quietly…. no chance, loud and proud.  I get some funny looks from passers by, but who the hell cares? Not me, that is for sure.

Blissful rest now, and looking forward to Saturday night treats and DWW’s and feeling ever so much better than my rather dismal run last weekend of 16.5 miles – on that one my legs just stopped and refused to go any further.  But not today J

London Marathon – I am coming to get you.

And..... if you feel you like helping the cause with cash - then that would be magic πŸ˜…

Two big numbers

So 2018 is nearly over and it's been a bit of a year on the old running front as this blog set out to share..... Whilst I haven't...