Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Those Mummas rock

Have to say I have been feeling very demoralised about running and training since the big 18 last Saturday.  In true British "glass half full" style I had managed to talk myself down and into a moither of self pity and doubt.

Monday night I should have been out on an easy 4 miler - but for the first time ever - the sofa and Monday evening TV won.  It was lush 😏 However, I dragged my carcass out at 7am the following morning, and would definitely not use the adjective easy - but managed 4 miles round a spring like Bristol Harbourside.  My legs were weary and complaining - "Shut Up legs" - and do what your supposed to do.

Tonight, I am back in from my TMR (This Mum Runs) 60 minute social run, and glory be, my faith in running and my legs has been restored.  Those wonderful ladies ran and chatted with me all the way round and laughed about this and that.  We took the legendary BVR (Bridge Valley Road) by storm, panting and puffing but quite rightly feeling somewhat self congratulatory at the top.   For those of you not familiar with BVR - its a steep windy road, that I can hardly believe I can now run up - but I can, thanks to TMR Mummas. "Hill, what hill"........??

10 miles in the bag so far this week and a 20 miler to face on Saturday, and fantastic news, I have a top running buddy joining  me for  the first 6, the legendary Mrs P - Elaine πŸ’™

"Are you with me, are you with me"......🎢🎡🎢. πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jo - you are amazing. Wishing I could run with you & Mrs P. this weekend!


Two big numbers

So 2018 is nearly over and it's been a bit of a year on the old running front as this blog set out to share..... Whilst I haven't...