Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Laura Croft in action

Another week, clock back to zero, more running.  Seven weeks to go - the count down has begun.

A blissful rest day yesterday after the 15 mile boy run on Sunday.  No chance of two rest days in a row, so Tuesday evening - back out pounding the tarmac.  Of course it should have been hill sprints, but my motivation was hibernating, and couldn't be found.

A compromise -  a longer run, some intervals and just 4 hill sprints instead of 8.  Sounds good huh? Off I set.  For the uneducated, intervals means running as fast as you can for short bursts, a minute, two minutes or what ever you can manage and then jogging slowly in between to recover.  I call them "impossible runs" rather than intervals - because they feel impossible.  Queens Square took the brunt of my impossibles and for each impossible I ran as fast as I could and liked to think I looked like Laura Croft in the trailer for the new Tomb Raider movie....😜

Of course the reality was, I looked more like a 57 year old female puffing and panting in M&S leggings and a pink running jacket.  Dream on Redman, still the thought got me through my impossibles and on round Harbourside, before I hit my bete noir the hill sprints,  only 4.... done and home.  

Just under six miles - thats how I roll on Tuesday nights now...

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