Friday, 23 March 2018


.....Its Friday evening and I am adopting the  "brace" position for the now familiar "big Saturday run".

Feelings of trepidation and seriously wondering if I can do another long run again.  Will my body hold up and more importantly will my brain shift into the right gear and tell me I can do it, and will do it?

Looking for 15-18 miles tomorrow - can't do the big twenty again and don't  think I need to this week.

So pasta, protein, a glass of red wine (works  every week - I can tell you), an early night, hopefully some sleep and then up and out after a bowl of porridge and a cup of tea...

"Living the dream" Redman, but still after this week, one big run to go and then I move into the marvellous world of tapering down to the big day.  I am such a running geek now, I know all the terms 😆

Big news today, the Queen is going to start us all off. Jo, Mo and the Queen #londonmarathon 😜

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