It's been a long old few years - though to use one of my favourite quotes - "the days are (often) long but the years are short". Where have the past six years gone? In a whirl of coping - through work, time with family and friends and running - yes that's right running!!!

10k done - hang up running shoes.
The following Jan 2014 - dust down training shoes, train for 10k/Run for Ella2
10K done - hang up running shoes
The following Jan 2015...dust down training shoes, train for 10K/Run for Ella3
Repeat - you get the pattern
Until January 2017, yes I put on my training shoes and started training runs for Run for Ella5, but there was a shift from somewhere, don't know where or why but there was. What if I just kept running and didn't hang up my shoes in May? Maybe I could run further than 10k and maybe run throughout the year....... and then TCT told me they were going to be the headline charity for The London Marathon 2018......and that was it THE SEED WAS SOWN....... could I maybe, just maybe run (!!) a marathon.......

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